2012年7月18日 星期三


在 Photoshop CS6 堂學了
1. Quickly zoom back to 100% (click "Z" -> click "H" + left click)
2. Animation zoom (press left click without release)
3. Auto-Saving (Background Saving)
4. Layer Search
5. Color Theme (Edit > Preference > Interface)
6. Spot-Healing (Content-Aware)
7. Mercury Graphic Engine
8. Oil Paint (Filter > Oil Paint)
9. Liquify (Filter > Liquify) - remove fat model
10. Crop Tool (view crop size, set crop size and resolution, 黃金分割 radio)
11. Ruler tool (水平修正 - which object is vertical)
12. Adjustment layer > Gradient Map > 齒輪 > Append photographic toning
13. Filter > Adaptive Wide Angle 修正魚眼 / Wide Angle 鏡 (由曲轉直)
14. Vector graphic 虛線
15. Content aware (Scale, Fill, Move) - extent 5px
Scale + Alpha Channel 選了就不會動
Fill + Adaptive Wide Angle
Move (Extent) = 無 delete (copy & paste)
16. 3D > New Mesh From Layer > Mesh Preset > Sphere
3D > Get more content (go to Adobe website to get material)
3D > Snap Object To Ground Plane
3D layer >  Environment (光影效果)
3D layer >  Property > Render button
3D tools (Light setting)
17. Video Editing
ways of cutting video (direct, mask)
edit audio (click the play icon)
video > video layer from file
transition effect (layer to smart object -> 可以加 filter)
key frame (motion, pan, & rotate layer)

