Boss has a long face today. 板著面
Young model. 靚模
I can do it with one hand tied behind my back. 輕而易舉
Give us our head. 放心交給我們去辦
We should keep our feet on the ground. 腳踏實地
Working hand in glove would make it easier. 通力合作必定迎刃而解
She looks sloppy in her clothes. 衣服很隨便, 不修邊幅
She is quite with-it but too stout. 有時代觸覺, 但太豐滿
How much do you weight?
skin and bone, skinny, scraggy, skeleton
heavily built,
bushy eyebrows 眉毛濃密
broad shoulders 肩膀很寛
Her hair is dry and messy like a bunch of straw. 像禾稈草
slit eyes 小眼睛
These girls were all plain Janes. 平平無奇
Don't take it too seriously.
Don't be chicken-hearted. 不要膽小
chicken out 縮沙
a bird brain 笨
a cuckoo 布穀鳥, 瘋鳥, 瘋瘋癲癲
I think she is under-dressed. 樸素
She is little old-hat. 土氣
laugh at, mock at, make fun of 嘲笑
Don't laugh at me (Peter, Paul & Mary)
They laughed the proposal down. 計劃遭否決
Laugh my head off 大笑, 笑到甩肺
I lie on the beach. I lay the books on the shelf.The sun rises in the east. Please raise your hand.
fortune teller, fung shui master 相士
upper eyelids 上眼皮
nose tip 鼻頭
fleshy nose 鼻頭多肉
I've got everything in the palm of my hand.
I would like to have my hair cut.
Are you pulling my leg? Are you kidding? 開玩笑?
You shouldn't get cold feet. 揗雞, 膽怯
I have my feet wet. 初次去嘗做某一件事.
They just can't take their eyes off you. 目不轉睛
corn, coin, contact lens (音)
coffee, coffin 棺材
wreath 花圈
almost ready
over my dead body, no way 一定不可能
passed away, you're attending the late David's funeral. 已故的 David
cry your eyes out. 不停地流淚
Now you should be reduced to tears. 什麼都沒有, 只剩下眼淚
You cry until you have no more tears. 欲哭無淚
He dropped dead this morning. died suddenly 暴斃
It's not the dead end yet. 還不是絕路
horrible, horror firm