Lesson 01
Mentality 心態 (有沒有框框困著自己?信自己做到?)
Attitude 態度 (是否積極?)
Goal 目標 (AQA - Attainable, Quantifiable, Adjustable)
Improvement 改善 (PEI - Performance Evaluation Interview)
Commitment 承諾 (Happy - 開心快樂才會有行動)
不願突破 (固步自封,由未知到知,其實只要肯去開門就可以)
Perception 感知 (過往的經驗影響今日的決定,上次不成功不代表今次不成功,未踏先縮)
心理問題 (壓力太大,開心放鬆就可以,過左山就會有更靚的風景)
固有思維 (視而不見,**盲點令機會流失,了解遊戲規則,打破常規、打破模式)
外界影響 (羊群效應,每人的方法可不一樣,5Ws,肯思考就會無秘密)
消極 (那會這麼簡單,怎麼會好運)
勤力 + 突圍而出的眼光
認清問題 (已彼 - 自身優點、缺點、遊戲規則)
打破模式 (善用自身優勢、睇多、聽多、問多、做多)
一團火 (想 archive 有幾大)
External locus of control 轉為 Internal locus of control (例如?)
(My choice will affect my Outcome.)
Magic 手小不能變走筆? 一定要手快? Second Low 不能見 Big 6?
睡眠周期 - 找出自己的睡眠 cycle.
要內心協調,過到自己,信自己可以做到,跳出框框,相信才會有?還是有了才相信?(先想目的地, 未到的目標 - 地圖, 迷官,軟筆) 從未知->突破(制造差異)->知
Seeing is believing,believing is seeing (forecasting, creative, risk management, science, set goal) if you don't believe, then you won't set goal.
聽多、聽多、做多、Visualize overwrite past pattern
Lesson 02
awareness->actualization of goal
自信、包容、意志力、問題核心 + 底線思考(最壞打算)
火箭炮遊戲︰轉(別人影響),其實是反作用力. (見到的是假) 虛實.
限制性思維︰dead-line, 思考自己在做什麼, 不是絕對就有解決方法, 驕敗.
潛意識︰內在潛能、集體潛意識、natural test
認知不協調︰無形心理對抗、考試道德、合格重讀、損失了好的選擇. 說服自己? 阿Q?**
**斷言 Affirmation 每事都有解決方法 (**確信(不會太理想、不會認知不協調、人的關係是互相建立)、清晰知道目標、感受感知) input->process->output 交給潛意識
Lesson 03
積極 energy - 訓覺、清屋、不好陪傷心、只做不想、底線思考、多角度思考、轉移 belief, focus point、用景象去改變睇法
comfort zone (here) -> habit 人想 stable <- goal (there)
刻意改變自己的動作(第一個動作 - 回家就按電腦power?), 找其它東西做
Goal 要大、清楚 (not just short-term)、具體化、跟理想的自己還欠什麼?
找內外的控制點, 找出關鍵原因、人物, 行出那步
盲點 (感知-positive/negative、先入為主)
舒適區 (視而不見 awareness)
Lesson 04
Goal - 可達到、可量度的、可調改的 (快的做得更多、慢的 bottom line)
大目標(理想的我)-小目標(工作、社交),做小才可做大、全身投入(玩UNO, 聽英文、沖涼、訓覺)
意識最弱、潛意識最強 -> 訓覺前先想斷言(確信、清晰、感覺)
SMART, 一石二鳥(set multi-relevance goal) 清華law、拼音、社交、普通話.
Natural Test 內在的感覺 (進退兩難) 孫天倫博士, 假設已經發生左A&B, 訓覺, 那種感覺是舒服就選那個
Improvement: visualization, 鼓勵自己, 唱歌, self-talk, take action
想檸檬 - 香、酸, 把目標(重覆 3 次)使之變為習慣 (practice in a proper way), positive over negative, PEI system (perform, evaluate, improve)
Do It Now
有那些是即刻做? 有那些是可以等等的? (寫出拖延的原因), adjust priority list 工作清單, 先易後難? 挑戰性? deadline? hobby? outcome?, depend on characters
Commitment (want or need) need (壓力, 生存 - test, exam, money, work) want (Desire, knowledge, sleeping, health, exercises, money) create want, 做 want 就做到 need, want drives need. self-esteem 不受別人影響, 成為獨特的人, 對自己負責.
2012年11月21日 星期三
2012年11月13日 星期二
Completeness 敍述完整
Correctness 用字正確
Clearness/Clarity 內容要清楚
Concreteness 說明要具體
Conciseness 文章要簡潔
Courtesy/Consideration 語氣要婉轉有禮
All points of needs and requests
Organize your writing into 3 parts (introduction, body, ending)
Put different ideas into different paragraphs
Grammar, Commercial Terms, Spelling...
Fluctuations ->
Any increase in..., Any change up or down in..., Any increase or decrease in...
Bimonthly ->
We have two directly sailings every month from X to X.
We have a direct sailing from X to X every two months.
Concreteness 言之有物
The ABC company is our big buyer. How big?
The ABC company $120,000 worth of business with us last year.
Our apples are excellent. How concrete?
Our apples are juicy, crispy, and tender.
You will receive our reply about it in due time.
You will receive our reply it within one week.
Conciseness 扼要
By this letter we would ask you to consider our proposal.
Please consider our proposal.
We are pleased to inform you that we are sending you...
We are pleased to send you...
Please introduce to us some exporters of X in your city
Would you please introduce...
Courtesy 客氣
A) Complex Sentence 比 Simple Sentence 更客氣
It was unwise of you to have done that.
We would say that it...
You ought to have done it.
It seems to us that you...
We cannot comply with your request.
We are afraid we cannot
B) Passive voice is more polite sometimes
You made a very careless mistake
A very careless mistake was made.
You did not enclose the check with your order.
The check was not enclosed with your order.
C) Affirmative sentence 肯定句比否定句好聽
We cannot understand why you have had trouble with this article.
We presume that there must be some reasons for your having trouble with this article.
D) We -> You
We have received your letter of May 8 regarding...
Your letter of May 8 regarding... has received our careful attention.
We are looking forward to receiving your early reply.
Your early reply will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for...We are sending...We enclose...Please send...We are pleased to...
We appreciate...As requested,...Enclosed is...Attached is...
We have received...We thank you for...We appreciate...We are pleased to receive...We acknowledge receipt of...We are in receipt of...This is to acknowledge receipt of...(your letter, inquiry...)
表示 敬覆者
In reply to...In response to...In answer to...Answering...We are pleased to reply to...(your letter, inquiry...)
With reference to...In reference to...Referring to...We refer to...(your letter..)
As requested...As required...As instructed...Following the instructions...(in your letter of)
According to...In compliance with...In conformity with...(the request, the instruction)(in your letter of)
拜讀後, 表示高興
It is a pleasure...We are gratified...We are glad...It is gratifying...(to learn from your letter of)
拜讀後, 表示遺憾
We regret...We are sorry...We note with regret...We are surprised...(to learn from your letter)
We enclose...We send...you...
by separate mail (post)...by air mail...by seamail...
We have had your name and address given to us by X.
Your company was recommended to us by...
Further to our letter of April 9, 1974
We confirm our letter of April 9, 1974, and...
We hope to receive ...We are waiting for...We shall appreciate...We look forward to...(a, an, your)(reply, answer, news, comment, opinion, (early favorable, definite, satisfactory, further) reply)
We trust to hear...We hope to hear...Please let us hear...Will you let us hear...(from you)(about...concerning...in this matter, in this respect)
Please let us hear from you in this regard.
Please study this case immediately and let us hear from you promptly.
We look forward to a pleasant business relation with you in the future.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
We thank you for your cooperation.
Thank you for your interest in our products.
We apologize for not having replied to your letter at an early date.
Please accept our apology for the inconvenience we have caused you.
Correctness 用字正確
Clearness/Clarity 內容要清楚
Concreteness 說明要具體
Conciseness 文章要簡潔
Courtesy/Consideration 語氣要婉轉有禮
All points of needs and requests
Organize your writing into 3 parts (introduction, body, ending)
Put different ideas into different paragraphs
Grammar, Commercial Terms, Spelling...
Fluctuations ->
Any increase in..., Any change up or down in..., Any increase or decrease in...
Bimonthly ->
We have two directly sailings every month from X to X.
We have a direct sailing from X to X every two months.
Concreteness 言之有物
The ABC company is our big buyer. How big?
The ABC company $120,000 worth of business with us last year.
Our apples are excellent. How concrete?
Our apples are juicy, crispy, and tender.
You will receive our reply about it in due time.
You will receive our reply it within one week.
Conciseness 扼要
By this letter we would ask you to consider our proposal.
Please consider our proposal.
We are pleased to inform you that we are sending you...
We are pleased to send you...
Please introduce to us some exporters of X in your city
Would you please introduce...
Courtesy 客氣
A) Complex Sentence 比 Simple Sentence 更客氣
It was unwise of you to have done that.
We would say that it...
You ought to have done it.
It seems to us that you...
We cannot comply with your request.
We are afraid we cannot
B) Passive voice is more polite sometimes
You made a very careless mistake
A very careless mistake was made.
You did not enclose the check with your order.
The check was not enclosed with your order.
C) Affirmative sentence 肯定句比否定句好聽
We cannot understand why you have had trouble with this article.
We presume that there must be some reasons for your having trouble with this article.
D) We -> You
We have received your letter of May 8 regarding...
Your letter of May 8 regarding... has received our careful attention.
We are looking forward to receiving your early reply.
Your early reply will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for...We are sending...We enclose...Please send...We are pleased to...
We appreciate...As requested,...Enclosed is...Attached is...
We have received...We thank you for...We appreciate...We are pleased to receive...We acknowledge receipt of...We are in receipt of...This is to acknowledge receipt of...(your letter, inquiry...)
表示 敬覆者
In reply to...In response to...In answer to...Answering...We are pleased to reply to...(your letter, inquiry...)
With reference to...In reference to...Referring to...We refer to...(your letter..)
As requested...As required...As instructed...Following the instructions...(in your letter of)
According to...In compliance with...In conformity with...(the request, the instruction)(in your letter of)
拜讀後, 表示高興
It is a pleasure...We are gratified...We are glad...It is gratifying...(to learn from your letter of)
拜讀後, 表示遺憾
We regret...We are sorry...We note with regret...We are surprised...(to learn from your letter)
We enclose...We send...you...
by separate mail (post)...by air mail...by seamail...
We have had your name and address given to us by X.
Your company was recommended to us by...
Further to our letter of April 9, 1974
We confirm our letter of April 9, 1974, and...
We hope to receive ...We are waiting for...We shall appreciate...We look forward to...(a, an, your)(reply, answer, news, comment, opinion, (early favorable, definite, satisfactory, further) reply)
We trust to hear...We hope to hear...Please let us hear...Will you let us hear...(from you)(about...concerning...in this matter, in this respect)
Please let us hear from you in this regard.
Please study this case immediately and let us hear from you promptly.
We look forward to a pleasant business relation with you in the future.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
We thank you for your cooperation.
Thank you for your interest in our products.
We apologize for not having replied to your letter at an early date.
Please accept our apology for the inconvenience we have caused you.
大腦 - 左(文字,邏輯...), 右(直覺, 視覺記憶)
小腦 - 平衡、走路(無運算能力) 長時間訓練的記憶
延髓 - 呼吸, 心跳
Use it or lose it
認知心理學 - 如何與外界溝通
外展課程 - 環境刺激
Fail - 1.慣性, 2.惰性
Logic - problem solving
Creativity - old things with new combination
Memory - age + observation + story + picture (practice, smelling, exaggeration...)
Body language - reflection
Neural Network - stimulation (brain still growing after born), reaction
Teacher & student (inspiration, enlightenment)
NLP - Confidence
Perception 的表現
問題表征 (Problem Representation) e.g. 1=4, 2=8, 3=16, 4=?
功能固著 (Brain storming 20 項手提電話功能)
固有思維 (Perception - 道德?尿?染髮?)
記憶 - 想
歌訣記憶法 (變通)- 酸棗仁湯︰串人伏老母
Major system - |01|43|05|..... 對換表不重要,可自行設計 (e.g. 普通話 major system)
飛 -《飛狐外傳》(1960—1961年)
雪 -《雪山飛狐》(1959年)
連 -《連城訣》(1963年)
天 -《天龍八部》(1963—1966年)
射 -《射雕英雄傳》(1957—1959年)
白 -《白馬嘯西風》(1961年)
鹿 -《鹿鼎記》(1969—1972年)
笑 -《笑傲江湖》(1967年)
書 -《書劍恩仇錄》(1955年)
神 -《神雕俠侶》(1959—1961年)
俠 -《俠客行》(1965年)
倚 -《倚天屠龍記》(1961年)
碧 -《碧血劍》(1956年)
鴛 -《鴛鴦刀》(1961年)
PRICE: Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate
USER: Understand, Simplify (近分類), Encode (編碼 - 視覺、語意), Review
HDWM (Hour Day Week Month)
Non-meaning text (Left brain), Meaningful text - poem, story (Left Brain + Right Brain)
益生菌可以刺激胃腸道正常的免疫力,讓過敏反應減輕,而魚油中的多元不飽和脂肪酸,可以阻斷引起過敏反應的「前列腺素」以及 「白3烯素」,因此氣喘患者可以每天喝一瓶250cc. 的優酪乳,以及以體重每公斤吃40毫克計算,補充魚油,例如40公斤就吃1600毫克。還有最簡單的,就是多吃富含抗氧化維他命ACDE的蔬菜水果,不必 花大錢吃一些高貴的營養品。
魚油不等於魚肝油,魚油是油脂類,萃取自深海魚類的脂肪,含EPA及DHA;魚肝油則來自於魚的肝臟,主要成份是維他命 A 和維他命 D;魚肝油攝取過多可能會增加肝、腎額外的負擔,造成中毒現象。
中線運動 (Midline Movements)
交叉爬行 (Cross Crawl)
臥8 (Lazy 8s)
對稱塗鴉 (Double Doodle)
字母8 (Alphabet 8s)
象8 (The Elephant)
轉頭旋頸 (Neck Rolls)
搖臂擺腿 (The Rocker)
交叉起坐 (Cross Crawl Sit-ups)
展脊提神 (The Energizer)
想像交叉 (Think of an X)
腹式呼吸 (Belly Breathing)
能量運動 (Energy Exercises)
喝水 (Water)
腦開關 (Brain Buttons)
地開關 (Earth Buttons)
平衡開關 (Balance Buttons)
天開關 (Space Buttons)
能量哈欠 (The Energy Yawn)
翻揉耳廓 (The Thinking Cap)
伸展運動 (Lengthening Activities)
貓頭鷹 (The Owl)
展臂鬆肩 (Arm Activation)
屈足舒腱 (The Footflex)
壓腿鬆筋 (Calf Pump)
重力滑掌 (The Gravity Glider)
弓步固基 (The Grounder)
深化態度運動 (Deepening Attitudes)
掛鉤 (Hook-ups)
正向觸點 (Positive Points)
Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
夢 (學習整理、自我保護 - 逃走)
Cycle (大約 1.5小時 1 次) - 淺層睡眠 -> 深層睡眠 ->
睡覺: 3小時, 6小時
Dreaming: 休息得最好的時間
夢與現實 - 日有所思、夜有所夢
夢時身動(開口夢、動手動腳、尿床) - 都是不好的表現,腦的控制力有問題
與外界容合: 光線、聲音
改變夢境: 經常出現的夢境、可以將東西轉變(現實不能 - 光管變香腸)
白日夢: (正能量、不受意識規限、用作訓練[會飛 - 省時])
生理因素 - 運動、食物、睡眠
心理因素 - 一定得、思想協調、I choose, prefer, will, excellent、知道自己想怎樣
學習技巧 - 聯想、圖像、策略、管理、先有專業、走自己的路
踏花歸來馬蹄香 - 蝴蝶
氣功 - 任督二脈、小周天、加強口水分泌、感受呼吸
補腎(腦)食物 - 雞蛋、Omega3、DHA、EPA、人參、花旗參、合桃、果仁
穴位 - 風池(內向內推)、肩井穴(單手抓緊肩膀)、耳穴(揉耳頭、暖身)
遊戲 - 畫畫(想像)、左右手寫字、數獨、棋類、七巧板、LEGO、扭計骰、IQ題、思維地圖
運動(血液循環) - 健腦操(多巴胺,安多酚/內啡肽 - Finger-Nose、卧8、雙手掛鉤)、瑜珈(戰士式)、捲腹(sit-up 開始上最用力)、職安健
呼吸 - 音樂(放鬆)、打呵欠、腹式呼吸(橫隔膜向下拉)
小腦 - 平衡、走路(無運算能力) 長時間訓練的記憶
延髓 - 呼吸, 心跳
Use it or lose it
認知心理學 - 如何與外界溝通
外展課程 - 環境刺激
Fail - 1.慣性, 2.惰性
Logic - problem solving
Creativity - old things with new combination
Memory - age + observation + story + picture (practice, smelling, exaggeration...)
Body language - reflection
Neural Network - stimulation (brain still growing after born), reaction
Teacher & student (inspiration, enlightenment)
NLP - Confidence
Perception 的表現
問題表征 (Problem Representation) e.g. 1=4, 2=8, 3=16, 4=?
功能固著 (Brain storming 20 項手提電話功能)
固有思維 (Perception - 道德?尿?染髮?)
記憶 - 想
歌訣記憶法 (變通)- 酸棗仁湯︰串人伏老母
Major system - |01|43|05|..... 對換表不重要,可自行設計 (e.g. 普通話 major system)
飛 -《飛狐外傳》(1960—1961年)
雪 -《雪山飛狐》(1959年)
連 -《連城訣》(1963年)
天 -《天龍八部》(1963—1966年)
射 -《射雕英雄傳》(1957—1959年)
白 -《白馬嘯西風》(1961年)
鹿 -《鹿鼎記》(1969—1972年)
笑 -《笑傲江湖》(1967年)
書 -《書劍恩仇錄》(1955年)
神 -《神雕俠侶》(1959—1961年)
俠 -《俠客行》(1965年)
倚 -《倚天屠龍記》(1961年)
碧 -《碧血劍》(1956年)
鴛 -《鴛鴦刀》(1961年)
PRICE: Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate
USER: Understand, Simplify (近分類), Encode (編碼 - 視覺、語意), Review
HDWM (Hour Day Week Month)
Non-meaning text (Left brain), Meaningful text - poem, story (Left Brain + Right Brain)
益生菌可以刺激胃腸道正常的免疫力,讓過敏反應減輕,而魚油中的多元不飽和脂肪酸,可以阻斷引起過敏反應的「前列腺素」以及 「白3烯素」,因此氣喘患者可以每天喝一瓶250cc. 的優酪乳,以及以體重每公斤吃40毫克計算,補充魚油,例如40公斤就吃1600毫克。還有最簡單的,就是多吃富含抗氧化維他命ACDE的蔬菜水果,不必 花大錢吃一些高貴的營養品。
魚油不等於魚肝油,魚油是油脂類,萃取自深海魚類的脂肪,含EPA及DHA;魚肝油則來自於魚的肝臟,主要成份是維他命 A 和維他命 D;魚肝油攝取過多可能會增加肝、腎額外的負擔,造成中毒現象。
中線運動 (Midline Movements)
交叉爬行 (Cross Crawl)
臥8 (Lazy 8s)
對稱塗鴉 (Double Doodle)
字母8 (Alphabet 8s)
象8 (The Elephant)
轉頭旋頸 (Neck Rolls)
搖臂擺腿 (The Rocker)
交叉起坐 (Cross Crawl Sit-ups)
展脊提神 (The Energizer)
想像交叉 (Think of an X)
腹式呼吸 (Belly Breathing)
能量運動 (Energy Exercises)
喝水 (Water)
腦開關 (Brain Buttons)
地開關 (Earth Buttons)
平衡開關 (Balance Buttons)
天開關 (Space Buttons)
能量哈欠 (The Energy Yawn)
翻揉耳廓 (The Thinking Cap)
伸展運動 (Lengthening Activities)
貓頭鷹 (The Owl)
展臂鬆肩 (Arm Activation)
屈足舒腱 (The Footflex)
壓腿鬆筋 (Calf Pump)
重力滑掌 (The Gravity Glider)
弓步固基 (The Grounder)
深化態度運動 (Deepening Attitudes)
掛鉤 (Hook-ups)
正向觸點 (Positive Points)
Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
夢 (學習整理、自我保護 - 逃走)
Cycle (大約 1.5小時 1 次) - 淺層睡眠 -> 深層睡眠 ->
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Sleeping Stages |
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REM Graph |
夢與現實 - 日有所思、夜有所夢
夢時身動(開口夢、動手動腳、尿床) - 都是不好的表現,腦的控制力有問題
與外界容合: 光線、聲音
改變夢境: 經常出現的夢境、可以將東西轉變(現實不能 - 光管變香腸)
白日夢: (正能量、不受意識規限、用作訓練[會飛 - 省時])
生理因素 - 運動、食物、睡眠
心理因素 - 一定得、思想協調、I choose, prefer, will, excellent、知道自己想怎樣
學習技巧 - 聯想、圖像、策略、管理、先有專業、走自己的路
踏花歸來馬蹄香 - 蝴蝶
氣功 - 任督二脈、小周天、加強口水分泌、感受呼吸
補腎(腦)食物 - 雞蛋、Omega3、DHA、EPA、人參、花旗參、合桃、果仁
穴位 - 風池(內向內推)、肩井穴(單手抓緊肩膀)、耳穴(揉耳頭、暖身)
遊戲 - 畫畫(想像)、左右手寫字、數獨、棋類、七巧板、LEGO、扭計骰、IQ題、思維地圖
運動(血液循環) - 健腦操(多巴胺,安多酚/內啡肽 - Finger-Nose、卧8、雙手掛鉤)、瑜珈(戰士式)、捲腹(sit-up 開始上最用力)、職安健
呼吸 - 音樂(放鬆)、打呵欠、腹式呼吸(橫隔膜向下拉)
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